Mining Minister Floyd Green has set a timeline of six years to clear the backlog of persons awaiting land titles after being relocated due to mining activities.
Mr. Green conceded last Wednesday that it is taking too long for these persons to receive their titles, sometimes in excess of 30 years.
The Minister, speaking at Jamalco’s Land Titling Ceremony in Hayes, Clarendon, noted that the issue of persons waiting years to receive their titles can be traced to a number of other communities across Jamaica.
Nevertheless, he reported that there has been an improvement with the usage of vesting orders under the Bauxite Incentive Special Provisions Act, which allows the portfolio minister to vest a piece of land to a person or company involved in the bauxite industry.
He added that his ministry will be adopting a new approach to expedite the delivery of land titles through the National Land Agency’s Systematic Land Registration (SLR) process.
The SLR is the methodical and orderly registration of parcels of land in a designated area, known as the Systematic Adjudication Area: