The Mines and Geology Division in the Ministry of Mining is to submit a report to the Kingston and St. Andrew Municipal Corporation (KSAMC) following its assessment along the Dallas main road in St. Andrew where huge boulders were dislodged during Monday’s 5.6 magnitude earthquake.
Boulders also fell onto the roadway in Cane River.
Mayor of Kingston Delroy Williams said some of the boulders were removed to accommodate vehicular traffic, while others will require the assistance of larger equipment.
Mr. Williams said there is concern that more boulders could come crashing down from the hillside.
“I’m aware that [the Mines and Geology Department] would have gone and have done some early assessment, but there are still some concerns on their part so they will do further checks in the particular locations that are concerns to us. And so we await their final say on what is to be done there. But as it stands now, we believe that the area is still fragile,” he outlined.